Beatrice Jackson

Passed 03/26/2020

Obituary For Beatrice Jackson

Progressive Funeral Home respectfully announces the passing of Jackson, Ms. Beatrice, age 90, of Columbus, GA, on Thursday, March 26, 2020.

A Private Graveside Service will be held Friday, April 3rd, 2020,

The Staff of Progressive Funeral Home is honored to support the family with End of Life Services.

Guest Book

A classy, enlightening spirit. Thank You for your advice in my journey to adulthood. I remember your words from close to 40 years ago and it has been a guide. Your work was truly done, on this earth. Leslie Gibson

- Leslie Gibson

Grandmother, I will always love and miss you. Thank you for all you've done for me. Joshua

- Dr Grace Matlock

Mrs. Bea, Happy Birthday. Please know that you are loved by me and I miss our communication especially since we share the same birthday.You are now a beautiful angel. Mrs. Rebecca Carr

- Dr Grace Matlock

My Grandmother was a talented and intelligent person. She showed deep love to all of her children but very outspoken with wise advice that I took to heart. Happy Birthday Grandmother Deno Coleman Grandma Bea, I will remember the information you gave me for a class project from your childhood and teenage life. My teacher loved it and I received an grade of A. I feel strange not sending you a birthday card. I love you forever. Great-Grandson Brandon Mother, I cherish the time I spent with you. you are one of the most dedicated persons I've known. You shocked me when you made your journey however I could hear you in prayer talking to Jesus Christ. I am certain you are in heaven... Your mark and memories last forever... I Love your spirit and heart. Bill

- Dr Grace Matlock

Today is your 91st birthday. We are so blessed to have had the love, wisdom, intelligence, and dedication that you gave your children, grandchildren, great-grands and the lives of those that you touched. The night you made your journey to heaven, my sister Sallie said "Lord you've got a good one". You are magnificent to me and I feel honored to have you as our mother. We miss you more than words can describe. We also k ow that you are doing God's work that he has assigned to you. Enjoy your new everlasting home and continue with your angelic endeavors. Blessings, Peace and Love you "Pretty Lady". Your daughter, Dr. Grace Matlock

- Dr Grace Matlock

My Mother was a beautiful kind woman. She was very wise, loving, compassionate, sophisticated and talented. Her intelligence made her wise beyond her years. She was a blessing and will be truly missed by her family and friends. I miss her every second of the day. We had an amazing relationship and I will forever cherish the fond memories which are embedded in my heart. Rest In Peace Mother. I breathed a sigh of relief, trusting and believing that Jesus is holding your hands. Love you, Edwinda

- Edwinda Jackson

My Bigma was simply the best. You were the strongest woman that I've ever known. You were the Matriarch of the family and I will miss you dearly. It seems unreal to process a loss as profound as yours. You were and still are my everything. You didn't take any mess from anyone and you taught us not to as well. You loved your family and we love you. Everyday I wake up in disbelief that you are no longer here in the physical form and I go to sleep at night feeling the same way. I know that you are in a better place now. You are free and at peace but my heart still can't process what my mind knows to be true. I will always hold dearly the times that we shared together, the talks, the advice, the love and the life lessons that you instilled in me. My Precious Grandmother, how I love you so. I hope that I will be as great as you are to my Grandbabies.Although I know those are big shoes to fill. Your Sass, your style, your strength, your will, fight and drive that you possess can never be replaced. You were a go-gotta. You never wanted a hand out, you worked for everything that you had. There are endless thoughts and memories of my sweet grandmother that I will always hold dear to my heart. Life will never be the same but I will celebrate you forever. I'll know that I'll see you again Bigma. We shall continue to have our conversations. Thank you for everything that you've ever done for all of us. Thank you for loving my babygirl as much as you did. I love you, I love you, I love you. Rest in Paradise Bigma. My angel on earth and in Heaven. God needed you more.

- Dorissa Coleman